Eric Radman : a Journal

PostgreSQL Logical Replication

SQL databases provide a critical service by giving the application globally consistent access to data, but logical replication makes it possible to trade in the guarantee that a query always reads the most recent write for other features. Instead of global behavior, logical replication allows a relational database to target particular features for distributed processing.

I may be mistaken, but I believe the ability to replicate a subset of data between databases that are otherwise unrelated has become a unique feature of relational databases. Unlike statement-based replication, logical replication is PostgreSQL is based on the WAL, and enables strict guarantees. It's also a modular architecture, but the built-in plugin (pgoutput) can usually be assumed.

Terminology and Naming Conventions

Logical replication can employed in arbitrarily complex ways. Here is one naming convention where there is a single stream from one database to another:

  1. Name the subscription based on the database sending data
  2. Name the publication and slot based on the database receiving data

Note that a subscription may use one or more publications but for simplicity the above recommendation assumes each subscription only has one corresponding publication.

Server Configuration

There are two requirements to enable logical replication:

  1. A user with the replication attribute
  2. Set wal_level to logical

PostgreSQL will not allow a subscription to be created until the upstream server meets these requirements.

Selecting Tables for Export

CREATE PUBLICATION archivedb FOR TABLE farmer, product;

The psql(1) commands for some operations are not obvious, list command summaries using \?.

localharvest=> \dRp+
                          List of publications
    Name   |    Owner     | All tables | Inserts | Updates | Deletes
 archivedb | localharvest | f          | t       | t       | t
(1 row)

List subscriptions using \dRs or

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_subscription;

Starting with PostgreSQL 15, all tables (and materialized views) may be exported from a specified schema


Establishing a Connection

  CONNECTION 'host=db1 dbname=localharvest user=localharvest password=XXXXXX'
  PUBLICATION archivedb
  WITH ( slot_name=archivedb );

Tables must have a primary key, otherwise, and unhelpful error such as

ERROR:  relation "public.farmer" does not exist

Subscriptions can only created by connecting to a master

ERROR:  could not create replication slot "localharvest": ERROR:  logical decoding cannot be used while in recovery

Once a subscription is created a corresponding replication slot is created on the master

localharvest=# \x
localharvest=# select * from pg_replication_slots;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+--------------
slot_name           | archivedb
plugin              | pgoutput
slot_type           | logical
datoid              | 16478
database            | localharvest
temporary           | f
active              | t
active_pid          | 41867
xmin                |
catalog_xmin        | 606
restart_lsn         | 0/16C0280
confirmed_flush_lsn | 0/16C02B8


Postgres will run triggers based on remote updates if REPLICA TRIGGER is enabled


Mirroring Table Definitions

The synchronization of table contents is handled automatically, providing the tables exists in both places.

# publisher
pg_dump -s -t farmer -t product > replicated_tables.sql
# subscriber
psql -f replicated_tables.sql

If a column is added in one database, replication will be blocked but PostgreSQL will retry until the schema change has been applied to all of the subscribers as well.

Promoting a New Master

If a standby is promoted and the DNS name pointing to it changes the logical replication launcher will resolve the new name. There is one manual step however: physical replication does not copy replication slots, so in the case of failover we need to create a slot manually

SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot('localharvest', 'pgoutput');

Shortly after this slot appears the subscriber will receive missing updates

localharvest=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_subscription;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+------------------------------
subid                 | 35039
subname               | localharvest
pid                   | 74670
relid                 |
received_lsn          | 0/7001078
last_msg_send_time    | 2020-01-10 11:57:03.890308-05
last_msg_receipt_time | 2020-01-10 11:57:03.87312-05
latest_end_lsn        | 0/7001078
latest_end_time       | 2020-01-10 11:57:03.890308-05

Promoting a New Master (subscriber)

Subscriptions are only active on the master, but the standby servers have the configuration

localharvest=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_subscription;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------
subid                 | 32817
subname               | localharvest
pid                   |
relid                 |
received_lsn          |
last_msg_send_time    |
last_msg_receipt_time |
latest_end_lsn        |
latest_end_time       |

If a standby is promoted this subscription will become active. I see how this design was intended to help, but this is a insidious hazard: promoting a standby can grab and use the replication slot intended to be used for another master!

Handling Discrepancies

Any time a subscription has been dropped and subsequently recreated there is the opportunity for missed updates. To find the difference between two we need to run a query to compare both sides. Foreign tables provide a flexible means of accessing the upstream data

CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;

CREATE SERVER localharvest_query FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw
  OPTIONS (host 'localharvest-query', dbname 'localharvest');

  SERVER localharvest_query OPTIONS (user 'localharvest', password '******');
    product_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name varchar(48) NOT NULL
    /* ... */
SERVER localharvest_query
OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 'product', fetch_size '50000');

Increasing fetch_size will dramatically improve the time it takes to copy a large table. Once the link is established we can create an index of records that have not been replicated

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE missing_product_ids AS
  SELECT product_fdw
  FROM   product
  SELECT product_id
  FROM   product;

Then use this information to build a table containing the full contents of the missing records

  SELECT product_fdw.*
 FROM product_fdw
  JOIN missing_product_ids USING (product_id);

If downtime is acceptable, a simpler solution is to drop the subscription; truncate tables, and create the subscription again. Some other techniques include:

Disconnecting Subscribers

If communication is functioning, unhook a subscriber is run DROP SUBSCRIPTION, and the corresponding replication slot will be removed from the master. If the subscriber cannot communicate with the master the slot must be removed manually

SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots;
SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('localharvest');

To drop a subscription that no longer has a replication slot upstream

ALTER SUBSCRIPTION localharvest SET (slot_name=NONE);
DROP SUBSCRIPTION localharvest ;

Diagnosing Jammed Replication

The easiest problem to debug is a key violation: if an entry with a unique index already exists Postgres will log an error. Other failures, such as an exception in a trigger function may not produce an error. Instead the clue is that the logical replication worker repeatedly dies

LOG:  logical replication apply worker for subscription "localharvest" has started
LOG:  background worker "logical replication worker" (PID 240271) exited with exit code 1

UPDATE and DELETE are silently discarded if a given record does not exist. Manually work around a problem by removing records and re-adding them on the subscriber.

The subscriber may have extra columns, but it must have all of the same columns as the publisher.

Monitoring Replication Slots

Any slot where active='f' is a candidate for an alert. Another metric is the delay (in bytes)

SELECT slot_name, slot_type, active,
       pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_current_wal_lsn(), restart_lsn)
FROM pg_replication_slots;

Reconciling Tables

One of the persistent issues of managing logical replication is to find which rows exist in one table but not the other. By importing a snapshot of a table created with SELECT ... INTO we can discover missing records. There is more than one way to do this; one form is

SELECT * INTO TABLE inventory_missing
FROM inventory_copy
   FROM  inventory
   WHERE id =

Now we have a delta that we can use to fill in the missing records.

INSERT INTO inventory SELECT * FROM inventory_missing;

DROP TABLE inventory_copy;
DROP TABLE inventory_missing;