Partition Pruning
Declarative partitioning in enables the PostgreSQL query planner to optimize
queries in several ways, most notably by
partitions that are irrelevant for the query. This results in tremendous
performance gains, but only works for values known during the
planning stage.
If the partition key is also a natural key, such as a date, pruning may appear to work in all cases, but if an intermediate lookup is required (name → id), queries will resort to scan all partitions.
Memorizing values with PL/pgSQL
Standard SQL does not provide a way to define a session variable but PL/pgSQL does. By assigning a value, a subquery can generate a result that is treated by the planner as a consent
BEGIN; DO $$ DECLARE vol_id integer = (SELECT id FROM volume WHERE name='mnt-local'); cursor1 CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM file_current WHERE volume_id=vol_id AND name ~ '.iso$'; BEGIN OPEN cursor1; END $$; FETCH ALL FROM cursor1; COMMIT;
Stable Lookup Functions
Perhaps the most versatile method of providing a constant to a query is to
define an
lookup function
CREATE FUNCTION volume_id_from_name(volume_name text) RETURNS int LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE AS $$ SELECT id FROM volume WHERE name = volume_name; $$;This function may used anywhere in the query
SELECT name FROM file_current WHERE volume_id = volume_id_from_name('mnt-local') AND name ~ '.iso$';Or used as a parameter to a prepared statement
PREPARE plan1 (int) AS SELECT name FROM file_current WHERE volume_id = $1 AND name ~ '.iso$'; EXECUTE plan1(volume_id_from_name('mnt-local'));
CTEs remember the lookup result as a stable value, but subqueries serve as
optimization barrier
-- limited to one volume WITH volume AS ( SELECT volume_id_from_name('mnt-local') AS id ) SELECT volume_id,, parent_id, name FROM file_current, volume WHERE volume_id = AND name ~ '.iso$'; -- scans all volumes SELECT volume_id,, parent_id, name FROM file_current WHERE volume_id = (SELECT volume_id_from_name('mnt-local')) AND name ~ '.iso$';
Temporary Tables
Sometimes the easiest way to structure a query is to write intermediate
results to a table. When combined with a single-use lookup function multiple
partitions may be matched using
CREATE TABLE pg_temp.candidates AS ( SELECT volume_id, id, parent_id, name FROM file_current WHERE name ~ '.iso$' );
CREATE FUNCTION pg_temp.top_values() RETURNS int[] LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE AS $$ SELECT array_agg(DISTINCT volume_id) FROM pg_temp.candidates; $$;
SELECT file_current.* FROM file_current JOIN pg_temp.candidates USING (id, volume_id) WHERE volume_id = ANY(pg_temp.top_values())