Eric Radman : a Journal

Crosstab Views

Also known as pivot tables, distributing categories across colums is a very intuative way to display query results. Some built-in methods exist in PostgreSQL

But we can assemble these using aggregate functions or CTEs.

JSON Aggregates

Returning a JSON object pushes the difficulty of presentation on the client, and is able to handle any number of keys/column names

WITH range AS (
    SELECT generate_series(now() - interval '10 days', now(), '1 day'::interval)::date AS day
bins AS (
  SELECT sent::date, subject, count(*)
  FROM notify_log
  GROUP BY sent::date, subject
  CASE WHEN count(bins.subject) > 0 THEN
    jsonb_object_agg(COALESCE(bins.subject, ''), bins.count)
FROM range
LEFT JOIN bins ON (bins.sent =

Example results:

    day     |                     case
 2025-01-03 | {"Account Link": 1, "Usercode Activation": 1}
 2025-01-04 | {"Account Link": 1}
 2025-01-05 | {"Sitecode Activation": 1}
 2025-01-06 | {"Account Link": 5}
 2025-01-07 | {"Account Link": 1, "Usercode Activation": 1}
 2025-01-08 | {"Account Link": 3, "Usercode Activation": 1}
 2025-01-09 | {"Account Link": 1}
 2025-01-10 | {"Account Link": 3}
 2025-01-11 | {"Account Link": 3}
 2025-01-12 | {"Account Link": 3}
(10 rows)

Joining Multiple Queries

If the number of columns can be fixed, one query can be run to collect data for each column. This method is repedative, but provides the ability to adjust the results in any way imaginable

WITH range AS (
  SELECT generate_series(now() - interval '10 days', now(), '1 day'::interval)::date AS day
bin1 AS (
  SELECT sent::date, count(*)
  FROM notify_log
  WHERE subject = 'Account Link'
  GROUP BY sent::date
bin2 AS (
  SELECT sent::date, count(*)
  FROM notify_log
  WHERE subject = 'Usercode Activation'
  GROUP BY sent::date
bin3 AS (
  SELECT sent::date, count(*)
  FROM notify_log
  WHERE subject = 'Sitecode Activation'
  GROUP BY sent::date
  bin1.count AS account_link,
  bin2.count AS usercode_activation,
  bin3.count AS sitecode_activation
FROM range
LEFT JOIN bin1 ON (bin1.sent = day)
LEFT JOIN bin2 ON (bin2.sent = day)
LEFT JOIN bin3 ON (bin3.sent = day)

Example results:

    day     | account_link | usercode_activation | sitecode_activation
 2025-01-03 |            1 |                   1 |
 2025-01-04 |            1 |                     |
 2025-01-05 |              |                     |                   1
 2025-01-06 |            5 |                     |
 2025-01-07 |            1 |                   1 |
 2025-01-08 |            3 |                   1 |
 2025-01-09 |            1 |                     |
 2025-01-10 |            3 |                     |
 2025-01-11 |            3 |                     |
 2025-01-12 |            3 |                     |
(10 rows)