
Run arbitrary commands when files change

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Rebuild project if sources change

ls | entr make

Rebuild project and run tests if the build was successful

ls | entr -s 'make && make test'

hint: ag and ack offer many advantages over utilities such as find(1) or ls(1) in that they recognize files by their contents and are smart enough to skip directories such as .git

Status Filters

entr allows custom status messages to be displayed by writing a status filters in awk(1). Select a different script by setting the environment variable ENTR_STATUS_SCRIPT.

Restarting Services

entr adheres to the principle of separation of concerns, yet the reload (-r) option was added to solve a common use case that would otherwise require some careful scripting:

ls *.rb | entr -r ruby main.rb

This will,

  1. immediately start the server
  2. block until any of the listed files change
  3. terminate the background process
  4. wait for the server to exit before restarting

The restart option starts the utility as a background process that does not have access to STDIN. In this case keyboard input may be provided using a FIFO

mkfifo fifo
cat >fifo

Then start the entr in another console

ls main.go | entr -r -s '<fifo go run main.go'

Restarting Services with Timeout

In some cases the child process fails to respond when entr attempts to restart it. In this case it's helpful to send an alternate signal or kill the child process if it does not respond.

The timeout(1) utility can solve this by sending SIGKILL if the utility does not terminate after the specified period

ls app | entr -r timeout -k 5 0 ./app

timeout can also be used to send an alternate signal, such as SIGINT

ls app | entr -r timeout -s 2 0 ./app

Watching for New Files

The directory watch option (-d) was added to react to events when a new file is added to a directory. Since entr relies on standard input piped from other Unix tools, an external shell loop must be used to rescan the file system. One way to implement this feature would be to simply require the users to list directories, but entr will infer the directories if they aren't listed explicitly

while true; do
  ls -d src/*.py | entr -d ./setup.py

Other Implementation Details

Some architectural limitations are for good reasons, but it's not easy to see why a particular restriction applies.

First, the -r flag cannot be used with an interactive task:

  1. Closing STDIN on the child allows entr to accept keyboard input.
  2. If entr were to close it's own file descriptor to STDIN there is no reliable and immediate way to determine when the child has terminated in order to restore keyboard input.
  3. In restart mode signals need to propagate reliably, so we use a new process group. If the utility reads STDIN under this new process group, the kernel will suspend it. Finding your process in the T state is confusing, so we closes STDIN to raise an error instead.

Processing Files

The /_ shortcut for entr was intended as a means of saving typing in the case where you are monitoring one file

echo schema.sql | entr psql -f /_

For any other use it is incorrect because the operating system may consolidate events for files that were changed in close succession, but entr only prints one filename. This approach would also be incomplete because there is no way of detecting changes that occurred if entr isn't running.

Over time I have been asked to extend and enhance the capabilities of the /_ shortcut; this is usually to in an effort to

  1. emulate rsync(1) — send only files that changed
  2. emulate make(1) — build only files that changed

entr will detect if something changed in your tree, but another tools should handle building source or copying files. Here is an example using a Makefile

.SUFFIXES: .md .html

SOURCES != ls input/*.md | awk 'sub("\.md$$", ".html")'

    markdown2html $< > $@

all: ${SOURCES}

Then monitor using

while sleep 0.1; do
  ls *.md | entr -d make

make uses the modification times of files to determine what needs to be updated. You can also do this comparison in shell, which may be more adaptable to your directory structure

for input in $(ls input/*.md); do
  output="output/$(basename $input .md).html"

  [[ $input -nt $output ]] && {
      (set -x; markdown2html $input > $output)


The limits page includes instructions for raising the maximum number of watches on BSD, MacOS and Linux.